Tian I Pharm. Co., Ltd.

Supplier of Single or Formulated Concentrated Herbal Powder and Food Products.


Major Armillaria Herbs Capsules (Herbs Health Food)

major armillaria herbs capsule

  • Model No: 04-01-07E
  • Factory Location: Taiwan
  • Sample Request: No
  • Target Markets: Worldwide

Detail Information

Description :

1. Sedative, Analgesia, Anti-insomnia, Stabilizing neuron transduction.
2. Radix Gastrodiae: it can be analgesic and spasmolysis, improve sleep quality, improve the development of brain and be anti-aging. Its traditional uses are to calm the liver and to clear the meridians by invigorating the patient's circulation. In the categories of Western medicine, gastrodia is said to have sedative and analgesic properties. The specific conditions that were treated by gastrodia include migraine headaches, dizziness or vertigo due to liver inflammations, convulsions caused by heat excess, paralysis, general fatigue, numbness in the hands or feet, and pain in the joints. More recently, gastrodia has been used to relieve nervous headaches, pain in the trigeminal nerve, nocturnal emissions, difficult breathing, insomnia due to stress, and hypertension.
3. Radix Angelicae Dahuricae: it induces diaphoresis to disperse cold; expels and removes dampness to stop leukorrhagia. It is used for common cold due to wind-cold pathogens manifested as headache, stuffy nose, etc. It has the effect for headache, toothache, especially pain in the forehead and superciliary region, and stomachache. It can treat mastitis with swelling and pain.

Specification :

1. Ingredients: Armillaria mellea mycelium; Chuanxiong Rhizome; Radix Gastrodiae; Radix Angelicae Dahuricae. 2. Armillaria mellea: it is a kind of famous medicinal fungus symbiotic with Chinese medicinal herb Gastrodia elata Blume (Tianma). Many studies and experiments showed that the mycelia and fermented liquid of Armillaria mellea have the similar pharmacological activity and clinically curative effect to Tianma with sedative and analgesic effects. In chemical study, there are compositions of Armillaria mellea, including amino acids, sesquiterpenoids, purine, polysaccharide and other compounds. Armillaria can treat insomnia and improve neurasthenia and migraine. It improves the excretion of bile and the syndrome of headache and also has the effects of analgesia, anti-spasm, improving the circulation of brain and coronary artery, and lowering blood pressure. 3. Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong: it promotes the circulation of blood and vital energy: For stagnation of blood and vital energy resulting in headache, chest pain, trama, bone spur and thromboangiitis obliterans. Its active compound, tetramethylpyrazine, can dilate the coronary artery and increase the coronary flow.

Tian I Pharm. Co., Ltd.

  • Taiwan