Golden Suppliers

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    普越實業股份有限公司 (1)光電手機產業專用之複合改性PPS、LCP、PA6T、PA9T、PA10T、PA46、PEI 高耐溫材料。 (2)複合改性POM、PA(Nylon) 6 & 66、PC/ABS。 (3)耐溫、耐化學、耐油以及耐酸鹼 TPV 彈性體。 (4)耐磨擦、耐水解、耐寒、彈性佳又止滑的 TPE 彈性體、Shore A 可達 60A 甚至於 50A。最高硬度可達Shore 65 ~70 D。 (5)SEBS、TPEE(海翠)。 (6)電線電纜、電線插頭插座、建材等專用的非滷環保防火(free halogen)TPE (TPU)彈性體。符合歐洲 RoHS 規範,防火等級為 V-0。 (7)PET、PE ( 導電歐姆10³ ) 導電膜。 (8)環保無滷防火 PA6+GF , PA66+GF。 (9)根據客戶的物性需求、共同開發客戶所需的材料。 (10)防霧膜、防霧保護膜、防霧PET 保護膜、PET防霧保護膜、防霧PC 保護膜、PC防霧保護膜、防潑水保護膜、防油汙膜、PET防潑水保護膜、PET防潑水膜、PC 防潑水保護膜、PC 防潑水膜、不沾水保護膜、不沾水滴保護膜、防水滴保護膜、防雨水保護膜、符合防眩原理保護膜、防刮保護貼。

Standard Suppliers

Kitchen utensil

A kitchen utensil is a hand-held, typically small tool or utensil that is used in the kitchen, for food-related functions. A cooking utensil is a utensil used in the kitchen for cooking. Other names for the same thing, or subsets thereof, derive from the word "ware", and describe kitchen utensils from a merchandising (and functional) point of view: kitchenware, wares for the kitchen; ovenware and bakeware, kitchen utensils that are for use inside ovens and for baking; cookware, merchandise used for cooking; and so forth. A partially overlapping category of tools is that of eating utensils, which are tools used for eating (c.f. the more general category of tableware). Some utensils are both kitchen utensils and eating utensils. Cutlery (i.e. knives and other cutting implements) can be used for both food preparation in a kitchen and as eating utensils when dining. Other flatwares such as forks and spoons are both kitchen and eating utensils. Other names used for various types of kitchen utensils, although not strictly denoting a utensil that is specific to the kitchen, are according to the materials they are made of, again using the "-ware" suffix, rather than their functions: earthenware, utensils made of clay; silverware, utensils (both kitchen and dining) made of silver; glassware, utensils (both kitchen and dining) made of glass; and so forth. These latter categorizations include utensils — made of glass, silver, clay, and so forth — that are not necessarily kitchen utensils.

source: Kitchen Utensil From Wikipedia, the free encyclope




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