Silver Manufacturers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan & Mainland China Manufacturer & Supplier )
  • ( Origin : Taiwan & Mainland China Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    (1)量測儀器-數位盤型電表、數位電力信號轉換器、校正儀器、電力測試檯, 運轉測試檯、單向及三向測量電力電表、電力品質儀錶。 (2)電力系統控制儀- RTU(遠端測控終端)、DTU(配電站的站所終端)、FTU (饋電自動化終端單元)、SA(變電站自動化)系統、DA(配電自動化)系統、 power SCADA(監視控制與資料擷取系統)、PEMS(電力與能量管理系 統)、HC DTMS(分布式終端管理系統)。 (3)耐壓力及功能設備。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
  • ( Origin : Taiwan & Mainland China Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    自動控制類:人機介面、PLC、變頻器、伺服馬達、微電腦溫度控制器、微電腦溫度控制模組、計時器、計數器、熱電偶、RTD sensor、電熱器、溫度探棒、近接及光電開關、溫度顯示器、固態繼電器、矽控整流器。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    低頻噪音計(一級型),噪音計 / 5KHz 振動計 / 噪音劑量計,一氧化碳偵測計,二氧化碳偵測計,輻射偵測計,高 / 低頻電磁波偵測計,風速計,太陽能功率錶,網路纜線測試計

Standard Suppliers

  • 杭州华谊电子实业有限公司

  • 漳州市威华电子有限公司

  • 三大儀錶有限公司

  • 凌華科技股份有限公司

    工業用主機板、伺服器電腦、通訊產品、通訊介面 、馬達控制、影像處理、機器人視覺、通訊介面、工業用介面卡、量測儀器、量測系統。
  • 金統立工業(股)公司

    各種手工具- 工具箱及工具車組套、手動套筒及配件、氣動套筒及配件、扭力工具、扭力扳手及組套、扭力起子、扭力角度規及倍力器、扭力測試機、複合扳手及組套、雙開扳手及組套、梅花扳手及組套、星型扳手及組套、鴉爪扳手、煞車油管扳手、套筒扳手組、敲擊扳手、重型扳手、快速扳手、煙斗扳手、往覆式活動扳手、管子鉗、輪胎扳手、鍊條扳手、特殊扳手、歐式鋼絲鉗、扣環鉗、耐電壓鋼絲鉗、尖嘴鉗、剝線鉗、萬能鉗、可換式棘輪壓接鉗、鐵皮剪、電工剪刀、自動更換式美工刀、斷線鉗刀頭、切管器、手鋸、銼刀、螺紋修復組、攻牙器夾頭、螺絲起子、六角扳手、Bits、木柄錘、橡皮錘、無彈力錘、自動中心沖鑿、石工鑿、二爪/三爪拔輪器、拉釘機、測量工具、遊標卡尺、捲尺、公制厚薄規、虎鉗、LED手電筒、磁性圓盤、鏈條分離器、伸縮工具掛繩、斷頭螺絲拔取用攻牙組、螺帽破壞工具組、無頭螺絲套筒及組套、氣動工具、電動工具、汽車修護工具、油管分離鉗、管束鉗、機油芯扳手、柴油噴油嘴拆卸器、汽油幫浦拆裝工具、冷卻系統工具組、凡爾鉗組套、板金修護組、車體維修工具、自行車修理工具、折疊式六角扳手組、彎管器、IC檢驗工具、三用電表、數字勾錶、紅外線測溫槍、驗電螺絲起子等。
Buying Guide of Digital Multimeter

When you plan to purchase a Multimeter, there are a few things you need to take into consideration. Obtaining the proper information will allow you to have the correct knowledge to get the proper multimeter that you are paying for. Some examples of things you should know would be the cost, what brand would be your best option, how to use it, and what you should look for when purchasing one. Figuring out want you want and need in a multimeter before you buy one will make actually getting one much easier.


First of all, the pricing on a Multimeter varies on the brand and what features you want to go with it. You could spend anywhere between $50.00 and $450.00. If you buy one that is not calibrated you can get it cheaper, but to keep it at a factory’s accuracy you have to get it calibrated at least once a year and that’s going to cost you around $50.00 or so.

You will probably not find one that is calibrated under 100 dollars. If you can live without it and go with a cheaper model, that’s fine but you will have to replace it once it becomes inaccurate. Also you can have a hand held model, which would be the inexpensive route to go, or if you would prefer a bench top model, that could bring you up to a $1,000. Bench top multimeters tend to be extremely expensive.


Secondly, you will need to know a little bit about what the device has to offer. All digital multimeters have an LCD screen that will display a decimal readout. Digital variants tend to be alot more accurate by at least 5% compared to an analog. It lets you measure things like AC or DC voltage, resistance and current. Many of the more common features that come along with a digital multimeter would be dB ratings, auto ranging, Adjustable sample rating, Removable data storage, Triggering and Data Acquisitions. You can also get added features such as transistor test, Auto continuity and the capability of measuring temperature.

Also, there are many different ways that you can use it. The word multi implies that you can get more than one measurement. Some examples of what you can use your multimeter on, depending on the type of features your multimeter has, would be Batteries, motors, components, power sources and switches. To find out the complete list of what all you can use your multimeter on both indoors and out would be to check your service manual that you receive when you buy it.

On another note, you need to be sure to know if the unit you plan to buy has auto ranging. Having a multimeter with auto range gives you a device that is very flexible and allows you to be able to select a wide range of voltages. It works wonders on detecting computer malfunctions as well as wiring systems and so many more things.


In summary, There are many different options out there available to you, with a little bit of research and a set budget before you jump in to buy, will save you major amounts of money. With a digital multimeter you will be able to do some of the handy work yourself, which in return will save you money by not having to get a electrician, technician or mechanic coming in and doing it for you.

source: Multimeter Reviews




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