Golden Suppliers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    • Golden
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    分度盤、CNC 電腦數控分度盤、電腦數控分度盤、齒式分度盤、CNC 電腦數控齒式分度盤、電腦數控齒式分度盤、油壓齒式分度盤、電腦數控油壓齒式分度盤、CNC 電腦數控油壓齒式分度盤、傾斜式分度盤、臥式加工機交換分度盤、交換分度盤、尾座、直結式高速旋轉工作台、高速旋轉工作台、棘齒輪旋轉工作台、液靜壓旋轉分度盤。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    • Golden
    第五軸CNC電腦數控分度盤TRNC系列產品採超高載重的結構設計,並使用大直徑、高剛性的徑/軸向軸承,組裝時經適當預壓,有效承載任意方向的切削負荷。 此外,TRNC系列採用全圓周油壓鎖緊裝置,煞車安全裝置設有壓力開關,可做為高、低壓時輸出訊號給驅動器做過載保護,B/C軸轉速可達16.6rpm,慣量低,滿足高速加工機的需求,且伺服馬達不會隨著傾斜軸而改變角度,避免切削時產生震動。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    • Golden
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    〔1〕EDM鑽床-CNC 、ZNC 、NC 、PNC等鑽床EDM、輕便鑽床電子放電機、電子放電機、微放電加工機。 〔2〕EDM零件及設備-陶瓷導件、電極管及備用零件。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan & Mainland China Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    • Golden
    各種機械與設備- 銲接機械、塑膠熔接機、塑膠成型機、自動化超音波塑膠熔接設備、DVD盒、貼膜機、CD套內頁製造設備、定位旋轉熔接設備、高速桌上型印刷機、釘書機、定位旋轉熔接機、自動化電熱加工、熱板機、熱壓機、高週波塑膠熔接設備、製造業自動化、自動化系統&設備。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    • Golden
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    芳嘉、雕刻機器及配件- 〔1〕旋轉工作台、氣壓緊固系統、液壓緊固系統、NC分度盤、鑽孔、切割、研磨等用液壓旋轉分度盤、旋轉分度盤、手動式尾座、自動化尾座、NC旋轉台檢視紀錄、液壓是分度盤檢視紀錄。 〔2〕機械裝置工具、車床、CNC機械壓型工具箱、CNC製作。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan & Mainland China Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    • Golden
    百塑企業股份有限公司 1.直立式射出成型機 2.臥式精密射出機 3.雙(三)色、雙(三)料射出機(臥式&立式、轉盤&轉芯) 4.塑膠磁鐵(PM)射出成型機 5.MIM金屬射出、CIM陶瓷射出 6.LIM液態射出系統(LSR, EPOXY) 7.熱固性射出機(電木、BML、橡膠、EPOXY) 8.IMD(IMR/IML/IMF)模內裝飾射出系統 9.高爾夫球成型製造設備 10.整列崁入、成型、取出全自動化系統

Silver Manufacturers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    (1) 正齒輪、螺旋齒輪、及栓軸類 --適用於各種工具機、汽機車、電動車、幫浦、農機、印刷機、變速箱、及一般產業用機械。 (2) 精密分度盤(第四軸)--適用於各類綜合加工機。 (3) 精密蝸桿、蝸輪組--適用於精密分度盤(第四軸)、電動車及各種產業機械。 (4) 標準測試齒輪(Master Gear)--適用於檢測,以JIS M0級為主之齒輪。 (5) 心軸齒輪--適用於各種汽機車、電動車。 (6) 曲齒離合器--適用於各類高精度定位。 (7) 螺旋傘齒輪--適用於非平行軸高速傳動。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    食品加工機械- 絞肉機、切肉機、切菜機、混合機、炒食機、萬能調味炒食機、魚脯肉酥機、煮鍋機、豆漿機、擂潰機、乾燥機、成型機、黑輪機、捻羹機、打漿機、烤爐、鋸骨機、輸送式輾肉機、米腸沖填機、脫水機、封罐機、冷凍肉刨碎機、果汁機、真空包裝機、油壓沖填機等。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )

Standard Suppliers

  • 精展精機股份有限公司

    1. 磨床配件: 沖子成型器、沖子研磨機、磨床用砂輪修整器、磁性應用工具、成型工具萬力及各式磨床用配件。 2. 銑床配件: 分度頭、分度盤、油壓虎鉗、倍力增壓虎鉗、搪孔頭、精搪頭及CNC刀桿系列。 3. 小型機械: 鑽頭研磨機、銑刀研磨機、切割研磨機及各式倒角機。 4. 塑膠模具標準零件: 頂針、套筒、襯套、導柱、導位固定塊、開閉器和其他零件。
  • 亘陽國際精機股份有限公司

    CNC電腦數控分度盤, 雙軸分度盤, 齒式分割台, NC橫立兩用齒式分割台, 單軸伺服器
  • 潭佳精密科技股份有限公司

  • 翰坤五金機械有限公司

  • 億錡股份有限公司

    CNC機械工具製造,專業CNC刀具製造商 * 刀桿系統: 精密铣刀夾頭、筒夾、螺帽 / 板手、精密刀桿、高周波燒結機、燒結式刀柄、直結式鑽夾頭、絲攻刀桿、平面铣刀柄、側铣刀架、BT拉桿 / 拉頭。 * 搪刀系統: 微調精搪刀、可調式雙刃粗搪刀、可調式大徑雙刃粗搪刀、組合式大徑粗搪刀、大孔徑微調精搪刀、組合式外圓微調精搪刀、四方柄大徑搪刀、小徑微調精搪刀、直柄搪刀桿、專用加長連接桿、搪刀桿專用套筒。 * 铣刀系統: 捨棄式快速鑽頭、捨棄式T形槽铣刀、可捨式球型铣刀、捨棄式R铣刀架、捨棄式端铣刀架、肩削式铣刀、BRP捨棄R式铣刀、可捨式粗搪刀、捨棄式內外倒角刀。 * 配件系統: 角固虎鉗、兩用分度盤、鎖刀座、臥式倒角機、刀具架 / 車、光電式尋邊器、高度設定器、測試棒、铣刀研磨機、刀具設定儀、永磁盤、磁力工作塊、整流器、開關式永久吊盤。 * 減震系列
  • 霄特國際股份有限公司

    CNC車床配件- * 刀塔: 伺服刀塔、直驅動力刀塔、電動刀塔、單馬達刀塔、四方刀塔、皇冠刀塔、B軸刀塔、分度盤。 * 刀座。
  • 旭陽國際精機股份有限公司

    CNC分度盤- 蝸輪蝸桿式/離合齒式/直驅馬達式系列, CNC電腦數控分度盤, CNC 電腦數控雙軸分度盤, CNC 電腦數控手動傾斜分度盤, 大型臥式CNC分度盤(交叉軸承系列), 臥式交換數控旋轉工作台, 直線軸大型臥式CNC分度盤, 搖籃式雙軸分度盤, NC立/橫兩用齒式分割機, 超精密搪銑分割, 油壓刀塔, 伺服刀塔, 動力刀塔, 刀架, 三片式聯結器, 二片式聯結器, 配件, 手動尾座, 氣/油壓尾座, 強力尾座, 單軸伺服控制器, 夾頭/油壓缸, 光學尺, 馬達, 油壓單元, 空油壓轉換器, 治具板等。
  • 德川機械股份有限公司

    CNC 電腦數控旋轉工作台 CNC 電腦數控齒式分度盤 頂針尾座 圓盤尾座 CNC 電腦數控五軸旋轉工作台 CNC 電腦數控五軸旋轉工作台 搖籃型 直結式高速旋轉工作台 DDM 五軸旋轉工作台 搖籃型 DDM 平面磨床用旋轉工作台 精密油壓齒式分度盤 工作台自動交換系統 工作台自動交換系統 滾子凸輪式 電腦數控臥式齒式分度盤 單盤 電腦數控臥式旋轉工作台 單盤 臥式加工機用 雙交換齒式分度盤 臥式加工機用 雙交換旋轉工作台 臥式雙交換裝置 選購配件
  • 松本機械工業株式会社

    * Power Chucks (パワーチャック) * Cylinders (シリンダー) * Rotary Tables (ロータリーテーブル) * Aluminum wheel devices (アルミホイル周辺機器) * Ultra-precision chucks (超精密チャック) * Automatic steady rests (自動振れ止め)
  • 台灣威諾斯漢機床(股)公司

    高速鑽孔.攻牙機 立式中心加工機 高速龍門中心加工機
  • 精展精機股份有限公司

    精展磨床、銑床配件及塑膠模具標準零件,擁有最高品質的檢測與服務 沖子成型器、沖子研磨機、磨床用砂輪修整器、磁性應用工具、成型工具萬力及各式磨床用配件。 分度頭、分度盤、油壓虎鉗、倍力增壓虎鉗、搪孔頭、精搪頭及CNC刀桿系列。 鑽頭研磨機、銑刀研磨機、切割研磨機及各式倒角機。 頂針、套筒、襯套、導柱、導位固定塊、開閉器和其他零件。
  • 揚聯國際興業有限公司

    自動換刀機構(刀庫)、CNC主軸, 第四軸旋轉台、線性滑軌, 滾珠螺桿、電動馬達, 減速機, 伺服馬達、金屬CNC 加工/沖壓OEM零件
Introduction of Rotary Tables

A rotary table is a precision work positioning device used in metalworking. It enables the operator to drill or cut work at exact intervals around a fixed (usually horizontal or vertical) axis. Some rotary tables allow the use of index plates for indexing operations, and some can also be fitted with dividing plates that enable regular work positioning at divisions for which indexing plates are not available. A rotary fixture used in this fashion is more appropriately called a dividing head (indexing head).


The table shown is a manually operated type. Powered tables under the control of CNC machines are now available, and provide a fourth axis to CNC milling machines. Rotary tables are made with a solid base, which has provision for clamping onto another table or fixture. The actual table is a precision-machined disc to which the work piece is clamped (T slots are generally provided for this purpose). This disc can rotate freely, for indexing, or under the control of a worm (handwheel), with the worm wheel portion being made part of the actual table. High precision tables are driven by backlash compensating duplex worms.

The ratio between worm and table is generally 40:1, 72:1 or 90:1 but may be any ratio that can be easily divided exactly into 360°. This is for ease of use when indexing plates are available. A graduated dial and, often, a vernier scale enable the operator to position the table, and thus the work affixed to it with great accuracy. A through hole is usually machined into the table. Most commonly, this hole is machined to admit a Morse taper center or fixture.


Rotary tables are most commonly mounted "flat", with the table rotating around a vertical axis, in the same plane as the cutter of a vertical milling machine. An alternate setup is to mount the rotary table on its end (or mount it "flat" on a 90° angle plate), so that it rotates about a horizontal axis. In this configuration a tailstock can also be used, thus holding the workpiece "between centers."

With the table mounted on a secondary table, the workpiece is accurately centered on the rotary table's axis, which in turn is centered on the cutting tool's axis. All three axes are thus coaxial. From this point, the secondary table can be offset in either the X or Y direction to set the cutter the desired distance from the workpiece's center. This allows concentric machining operations on the workpiece. Placing the workpiece eccentrically a set distance from the center permits more complex curves to be cut. As with other setups on a vertical mill, the milling operation can be either drilling a series of concentric, and possibly equidistant holes, or face or end milling either circular or semicircular shapes and contours.

A rotary table can be used:

* To machine spanner flats on a bolt

* To drill equidistant holes on a circular flange

* To cut a round piece with a protruding tang

* To create large-diameter holes, via milling in a circular toolpath, on small milling machines that don't have the power to drive large twist drills (>0.500"/>13 mm)

* To mill helixes

* To cut complex curves (with proper setup)

* To cut straight lines at any angle

* To cut arcs

* With the addition of a compound table on top of the rotary table, the user can move the center of rotation to anywhere on the part being cut. This enables an arc to be cut at any place on the part.

* To cut circular pieces

Additionally, if converted to stepper motor operation, with a CNC milling machine and a tailstock, a rotary table allows many parts to be made on a mill that otherwise would require a lathe.

source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia





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