Silver Manufacturers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    (1)汽車零配件、燈泡、工作燈、空氣淨化器。(2)充電式工具、一般工具、扳手 、黃油槍、多功能工具等。(3)CNC與一般金屬加工機、車床、铣床、鑽床、鋸床。(4) 園藝工具。(5)家庭用品、開罐器、磨刀器、吸塵器、驅蚊蠅器。(6)金屬加工機配件。(7)個人防護用警報器、電擊棒、手铐、甩棍、辣椒噴霧器、金屬探測器。(8)個人保健用品、酒精測試器、按摩器、溫度計、復健醫療、身體保養修護、柺杖助行器等。(9)戶外休閒桌椅、烤肉爐與工具、背包、遮陽帽、鏟雪用具、雪地防滑鞋、免電池LED手電筒、露營燈具、搜尋燈具、十字弓。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan & Mainland China Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    木工的機器、零件與配件- 變速車床,單紡錘成型機,帶鋸,雙鼓沙磨機, 垂直擺動紡錘沙磨機,邊緣沙磨機,傳送帶沙磨機,空心鑿子榫眼機,斜接面修邊機,測量附件,頂面修剪附件,斜接面老虎鉗,指針,二合一木釘加工組,鑽孔指南,鋸床,灰塵收集設備,斜接面測量工具。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
  • ( Origin : Taiwan & Mainland China Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    機械工具- CNC自動車床、CNC車床、櫛式CNC車床、平台CNC車床、動力刀塔CNC車床、多軸CNC車床、自動車床、桌上車床。
  • ( Origin : Taiwan & Mainland China Manufacturer & Supplier )
  • ( Origin : Mainland China Manufacturers & Suppliers )
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    CNC車床, 傳統車床, 立式車床, 重切削車床系列, 鑽床, 鑽銑複合機, 加工中心機, 砲塔式銑床, 平面磨床, 外圓磨床, 立式帶鋸機, 鋸床, 雙柱鉅床系列, 重切削鉅床系列, 立式綜合加工機, 木工機, CNC放電加工機, 板金機, 折彎機, 各式工具配件, 氣動工具

Standard Suppliers

What is a Bench Lathe?

A bench lathe is a material reduction machine built into a bench or worktable. A lathe takes a solid block of a material and reduces it to create a symmetrical item. Using a bench lathe, you can cut, knurl, drill, or sand material down to create a new object. The lathe is designed to hold the block at two points and spin it while allow the user to reduce the material to the new shape. A lathe can be used for wood, metal, glass work and pottery. Depending on the skill of the operator, the lathe can produce a simple table leg or a very ornate object. Precision lathes utilize computer software to create very complex designs or to mass produce a specific product. A bench lathe has a bed or horizontal beam that allows the excess material to fall away from the work surface. On the left hand side of the bench lathe, the headstock is located. A headstock is the section of the lathe that holds the spinning bearings. Attached to the bench lathe is a spindle. This hollow bar runs parallel to the bed and is used to attached accessories. These accessories are used to secure the workpiece in place. It is very common for bench lathes to also have a hand wheel or exterior threads to allow other accessories to be attached to the bench lathe as required. On a bench lathe, the spindle moves the block of material with either an electric motor or foot power. It is very common for the motor to be concealed in the headstock or in the base of the lathe bench. If the bench lathe has a motor in the headstock, it is important to give carefully consideration to where you install the device, and its proximity to a power outlet. It is critical to ensure the electricity cable is secured safely. Access Bench Lathe made in Taiwan & China. Information on company profile, product categories & images of Bench Lathe manufacturers & suppliers from Taiwan & China available online on

source: Clear Answers for Common Questions




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