Manufacturer of consumer and industrial computing, peripherals and power protection and the areas of ID (Industry Design) Mechanical engineering, EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and reliability engineering. The existing product portfolio includes fingerprint authentication portable storage such as flash drives, HDDs. For access security, PCW has designed an ergonomic fingerprint reader and mouse. PCW's product main stream leads to security focus.
security ( safety, surveillance) fingerprint dentification ( verification, authentication) systems- (1) biometrics fingerprint readers, biometrics fingerprint reader, fingerprint locks, biometric security systems, fingerprint reader head, fingerprint time and attendance, scanners, door locks, sensors. (2) fingerprint peripherals- flash drives, biometric USB flash drives, kits & cards, HDD, optical mouse, USB mouses, 2.5" & 3.5" HDD enclosures, HDD storage, reader enclosures, 3D, USB card readers, USB pen drives, USB flash disk, laser mouse, key tokens, card readers, fingerprint access controls. (3) compact PC- mini ITX, mini PC, industry ( industrial) PC, MCE playform, Pentium 4 mini computers. (4) bio products- bioflashes ( bio-flashes, bio flashes), HDD, mouse, readers, devices, door locks, biometrics fingerprint & readers. computer products & PC peripheral, computer parts & accessory ( accessories)- computer, flash memory cards, MMC card, RS-MMC cards, USB flash memory ( memories), compact flash cards, micro SD and mini SD cards, XD- picture cards.