Drinking Straw : From Taiwan & China Reliable Drinking Straw Manufacturers & Suppliers

Golden Suppliers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    • Golden
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    Jumbo Steel Machinery Co., Ltd., is a leading and professional manufacturer of straws bending & packing machines such as slitting machines, PP & PET strapping band machines, Drinking Straw, suction hose making machine, PVC heat shrink film machine, plastic extrusion machine, stretch film, and so on. For a close look at machine image and specification. We will be strict to our quality of product standard in order to make customer have good right. Besides, we also provide excellent service to our customer. We guarantee we must make you satisfy with our product and service. Furthermore, we look forward to searching a good business partner. If you are interested, please feel free to contact with us or you can email to us.
  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturers & Suppliers )
    • Golden
    • Video
    SUNNYSYRUP FOOD, Taiwan Bubble Tea Ingredients Manufacturer, specializes in the production of kinds of recipe for bubble milk tea. From manufacturing and teaching its culture, we do as an integrated chain to provide customers convenience and thorough services. Not only do we keep sowing the domestic market, but also leave no effort to expand the business from overseas, details as franchising, importing process, customs quarantine, food certificates, and related know-how are all within our reach. Now we can supply concentrated juice, syrup, Drinking Straw, tapioca pearls, bursting boba, tea leave, drink powders, beverage toppings, microwave instant tapioca balls, related utensils. If you need a reliable Drinking Straw supplier or customized products, please contact with our sales for further...

Standard Suppliers

  • Nanjing Marrow Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

    Manufacturer of flexible straws, flexible Straw single auto packing machines, U-shape tetra-pack flexible Straw auto packing machines, spiral strip Straw extruders, medical pipe & pen refill extruders, normal speed flexible Straw auto making machines, normal speed flexible Z-Straw auto making machines, high speed flexible Straw auto making machines, long whorl flexible Straw (artistic pipe) making machines, spoon Straw auto making machines, Drinking Straw single auto packing machines, Ⅰ-shape tetra-pack Straw auto packing machines, telescope straight Straw(T-Straw)making and packing machines, multiple straws auto packing machines, medical cotton pipe auto packing machines, factory automation manufacture devices.

    Profile : flexible straws

  • Nanjing Success Technology Co., Ltd.

    Manufacturer of flexible straws, flexible Drinking Straw auto making machines, Drinking Straw making machines, special pipe extruders, Drinking Straw packing machines, industry autoimmunization manufacturing devices, industry autoimmunization packing machines, industry autoimmunization conveyors, industry autoimmunization devices, system in production lines.

    Profile : flexible straws

  • Qingdao Shdal Packing Co., Ltd.

    Manufacturer of flexible straws, straight straws, pearl milk & tea straws, jumbo plastic Drinking straws.

    Profile : flexible straws

  • Hossem Int'l Trade Corp.

    Manufacturer of flexible straws, flexible Drinking straws, Drinking straws, straight Drinking straws, color Drinking straws, sharp tip Drinking straws, colored stripes Drinking straws, U-shape Straw series, spoon straws, broad Drinking straws, decoration Drinking straws, artistic Drinking straws, special straws, Drinking Straw dispensers.

    Profile : flexible straws

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