RF Connector : From Taiwan & China Reliable RF Connectors Manufacturers & RF Cable Connector Suppliers
An RF connector is an electrical connector designed to work at radio frequencies in the multi-megahertz range. RF connectors are typically used with coaxial cables and are designed to maintain the shielding that the coaxial design offers. The RF cable connectors are available as standard types ( BNC, UHF, N, F, TNC, SC, GR, 7/16 DIN, etc.), miniature type ( DIN 47223, SMZ, IPX, etc), sub-miniature type ( MMCX, MCX, FME, SMA, SMB, SMC, SMP) and precision type. They are primarily used in wireless industry, telecommunication field such as WiFi, Antennas, Radio, Computer networks and so on. B2BManufactures.Com, one of the most comprehensive manufacturers directory, provides a full listing of Taiwan and China RF Connectors manufacturers & suppliers. Global buyers could send inquires online.
source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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