Silver Manufacturers

  • ( Origin : Taiwan Manufacturer & Supplier )
    Basing on our many years of experiences And continuous developing And researching, Te Fu Li Riveting Machine Co., Ltd. has been making the remarkable riveting machine, Jig And Fixture, blind rivet machinery, hydraulic & pneumatic riveting machinery, idle & oil pressure presses, grinding components And riveted joint machineries…since 1968. From traditional impact machine to air And oil Pressure machines are fully made by our professional technology And enthusiastic service. Our spirits are safety And reliability that make these mechanical products that you can rely on. Products features include operated manually or automatically. Rotating type rivet-mold changing, very simple. Many kinds of rivet molds are available for different riveting. No experienced technicians can operate the unit.

Standard Suppliers


    GSA TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. established in 1978, from time to time, our growing of devotion work stable, keeping in mind of honesty, faith, profession And innovation, nonstop communication And promotion of critical quality procedure, ensure every products could meet high quality of duration And precision. Further we display our products at IMTS-Chicago, EMO-Hannover, JIMTOF-Tokyo And TIMTOS-Taipei, And receiving reputation from the customer of the worldwide. To meet the request of customer, both upgrading the quality of our produces And purchasing new machinery of testing And inspection, collecting update technology to develop value-added products. The sales & service had been built around the network of worldwide, technical supporting And customer service are connected through our agents...

    Jacob Iron Works was established since 1971 And producing the professional clamping vices for over 30 years. We are always improving And innovating vices with better function And better quality. This making our vices (made in Taiwan!) are still selling to many countries, like: USA (Sears, W.W.Graniger, SPI), Japan (Nakayama), Europe (ToolEg), Korea, Middle And South America. From 1988, Jacob Iron Works started to import accurate measuring granite products, air-spring isolator for machine use And to act as an Asia Zone agent for German Meska Co. (DIN) And U.S.A. Precision Co. (Fed. Spec.GGG-P-463C). Also, developing the business of granite based for machines And combination granites for double column machines is now one of our products (serving in custom made with international spec, quality)....

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